Nano Museum – RAG
998D0FAC-0E36-4C7B-B885-E15CD722D0EB Created with sketchtool.

Nano Museum

Question Everything



Bar-Ilan University
Arts & Culture

Brand Identity
Custom Font
Art Direction
Environmental Design

The artwork exhibited at the Fetter Museum of Nanoscience and Art is an outcome of a collaboration between artists and researchers at Bar-Ilan’s Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA). The artwork is displayed throughout six of the nine floors of the Institute's research laboratories. The art creates a multi-sensory and multi-dimensional experience for museum visitors, who are exposed to real-life research that takes place in dozens of laboratories at the Institute. The museum is filled with thought-provoking aspects, which link between distinct disciplines, pose important questions and encourage further exploration. We helped the museum's team every step of the way: from defining the museum's vision, through the brand's visual language, visitor experience, and environmental graphics.

The Nano Hackathon

At the heart of the museum's vision stands the Nano Hackathon; A unique multidisciplinary event created to join paths and cross ideas between researchers from the Bina institute and independent artists. These connections led to the creation of new artworks, which emerged from the research labs and got manifested in the artist studios.

Custom Brand Font

The unique forms of nanometer structures in different materials led to the design of a custom font, taking inspiration from the organic fluidity of these particles and their behavior.

Nanometer Scale